8' x 11' Area Rugs

We offer more than 250 exclusive large 8x11 rug designs in 9 different styles, 14 collections and 5 different pile types for every style and decor at unbeatable prices!  Our Egyptian-made rugs are easy to clean, they preserve color over time and they all have free shipping!

Designs and Styles for Everyone: We have 8x11 area rugs in several different styles (Modern 8x11 rugs, abstract, geometric transitional & other affordable 8x11 rug s). We have different pile types for every need:  flat weave, low pile, and high pile 8x11rugs) and beautiful rich colors for unique looks, (like our best selling 8x11 blue and gray area rugs) 

We offer 8x11 area rugs at 50-60% less than retail prices, starting at just $149!!! plus: they all have free shipping. With our awesome low prices, it’s like our 8x11 rugs are for sale every single day of the year! Get the perfect 8x11 rug in your living room, kitchen, bedroom, office space or dorm without breaking the bank! Get the perfect extra large area rug without breaking the bank!



Features Pile Height: Medium Pile - 10mm Primary Color: Multicolor Accent Colors: Blue, Red, Ivory, Green Style: Oriental Collection: The Nora Col...

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