
Easy Tips to Match Rugs to Floors!
Making some initial decisions about your new area rug is a great starting point to your shopping journey, especially since it can help you narrow down an abundance of choices to fit the ideal look of the room. However, in order to get there, it's important to get into the specifics as it relates to the flooring type of your room, seeing as this will be the ‘backdrop” for any rug you purchase.

The Average Cost of Rugs: Are You Overpaying for Retail?

5 Tips to Master Spring Cleaning

How to Add Colorful Rugs to Any Space

Getting Your Home Ready for the Holidays

8 Tips to Keep Your Area Rugs Clean this Holiday Season
Awesome and appealing area rugs can bring comfort, warmth, and beauty to interior spaces. However, even a high-end rug that looks gorgeous when it’s new will not keep those handsome good looks without care and maintenance, especially during the Holiday season when they'll see more action than usual! It takes a little time and work to make your area rugs last, but the results are well worth the effort.
If you’re considering purchasing that amazing area rug you’ve just discovered, or maybe you already have one on the way, you’re probably wondering how to clean an area rug. We’ve got 8 tips you can use to keep your rugs looking great during this lovely season!!

7 Hacks to Renovate for the Holidays on a Budget
When it comes to renovating the look of your home, it’s not uncommon for renters, college students and homeowners to become discouraged. Home décor TV shows make it seem as though you need a sledgehammer and a hefty budget to overhaul the look of your space, but crafty DIY-ers know that isn’t true. With a little bit of hard work and innovation, anyone can make the most out of their space with a few easy design hacks. Read on and we’ll share our easiest and most inexpensive ways that homeowners can update their décor during the Holidays in ways that are sure to make a big visual impact.

5 Tricks to Clean Polypropylene Rugs

Mixing and Matching: How to Combine Rug Patterns with Every Decor

5 Ways to Add Excitement to Any Room Using Rugs
Roll out the red carpet, fly to a whole new world and really tie a room together … rugs sure know how to add excitement to any situation! The impact of an area rug in a room can never be...